Lawyer Copyright Frankfurt

Copyright and media law protects specially created works of art and writings, including utility models and designs. Protection applies in both the German and European legal areas. In particular, uniform manifestations of a product line that refer to a specific author are protected. Under German law, the copyright holder can issue a warning against persons who interfere with his rights and, in the event of non-compliance, take legal action for injunctive relief and damages.

Have you discovered that your copyrights have been infringed?

I will support you effectively and promptly in enforcing your rights within the applicable legal provisions. In the event of infringements, for example during a trade fair event, I will also be happy to assist you directly on site at the exhibition center.

Have you received a warning letter due to an alleged copyright infringement?

I would advise you not to react hastily to the claim. Warning letters often contain exaggerated claims or are even unfounded. It is advisable to consult a lawyer, as each individual case is handled differently. Whether and to what extent a warning letter is justified and whether it is advisable to submit a cease-and-desist declaration requires legal expertise.

Please feel free to make an appointment with me and I will take a closer look at your legal situation!

Consulting spectrum

Lawyer Copyright Frankfurt

Do you want to solve your copyright or media law problem?
Do you need a copyright lawyer in Frankfurt?

Strong, transparent and
competently at your side.

Professional competence, experience, communication skills and, in particular, negotiating skills are essential qualities that a lawyer in copyright law must have. These qualities are part of my personality.

I would be happy to advise you in Frankfurt, by telephone or video conference.


Office hours






9.00 am – 6.00 pm

9.00 am – 6.00 pm

9.00 am – 6.00 pm

9.00 am – 6.00 pm

9.00 am – 2.30pm

Appointments outside of office hours can be arranged.