Lawyer Travel Law & Traffic Law Frankfurt

Travel is a wonderful way to broaden your horizons and gain priceless experiences. Experiences that can shape a person. As a rule, these should be positive experiences. However, if there are negative experiences, a lawyer with experience in travel law is usually required. If you are looking for a lawyer for travel law in Frankfurt, then you have come to the right place.

The travel experience begins with the booking of the specific trip, continues with the start of the trip, so that the trip finally takes place and finally ends with the safe arrival at the destination desired by the traveler.

What problems can arise when booking a trip?

Travel law is already very relevant when booking a trip. If you are a consumer, the travel agency (including online platforms) must provide you with full information and advice on the individual contractual items before you book a trip. Misleading or incorrect information, such as the omission of the final price to be paid, which leads to financial losses or other damages, can be legally relevant. As a consumer, you can trust that the travel agency knows exactly what it is offering you and is therefore in a better position than you.

Consulting spectrum

Lawyer Travel Law Frankfurt

Complaint management in travel law in a nutshell.

Travelers who have problems with a booked trip, for example because a travel defect occurs during the trip, receive the necessary expertise here to understand their rights and take steps to resolve them.

The term “travel defect” includes the following examples: Overbooking of a hotel, poor accommodation due to lack of hygiene or because of a sudden construction site or services that do not comply with the agreement. As a travel law attorney, accuracy is required when explaining travel defects. Accuracy is so important so that, in the event of a legal dispute, the competent court understands exactly why you as a travel participant perceived a travel defect. In the case of a hygiene defect, for example, it is not enough to simply say that it was dirty. Rather, pictures, precise descriptions of your own perception and possibly the perception of other travel participants must be listed. In the best case scenario, the court should receive such a good presentation of the facts that it has the feeling of having been there itself.

In the end, a travel defect often leads to a claim for damages. However, the other requirements for a claim for compensation must be met. If a trip does not meet the agreed conditions, this is annoying for the traveler. If this is recreational leave for which you have booked extra vacation days at work, it is even more annoying. As a rule, the tour operator or travel agency must reimburse you in full for the vacation days.

Do you need a lawyer for employment law in Frankfurt? You are welcome to contact me. I will examine your specific situation and represent you both in and out of court to enforce your rights!

Can you contact a lawyer in the event of a traffic accident
and who pays the lawyer's fees?

In the event of a traffic accident, you are entitled to instruct a lawyer to represent your legal interests. As a rule, the legal costs are to be borne by the opposing party, who is the party at fault in the specific accident situation. It is even considered negligent in some cases if you do not consult a lawyer and seek legal representation in the event of a traffic accident.

Traffic accidents or fine proceedings - no problems for me due to my experience.

In addition to professional qualifications, soft skills such as communication skills, attention to detail and empathy play an essential role in advising and representing clients competently. Technical knowledge in the use of law firm software and legal databases as well as the constant updating of specialist knowledge are also of great importance.

Traffic law matters can be complex and time-consuming, which is why it is often advisable to instruct a qualified lawyer. Whether it’s settling a traffic accident, defending yourself against fines or the threat of having your driving license revoked – an experienced traffic law lawyer offers you decisive advantages.

As your lawyer for traffic law, I have extensive knowledge of the current legal situation and case law. This expertise enables me to analyze your situation quickly and precisely and to develop the best legal strategies.

Especially in the case of traffic accidents, fast and competent claims settlement is essential in order to enforce your claims for damages and compensation for pain and suffering.

In fine proceedings and administrative offences, I can help you to fend off unjustified accusations and minimize the consequences for you. Many of those affected do not know that fine notices often contain errors that an experienced lawyer can uncover and use in your favor.

It is always very important to me that you are well informed at all stages of the proceedings and that your rights are protected. I take care of communication with the authorities, insurance companies and courts, which takes the pressure off you and allows you to concentrate on other important matters.

In summary, as a lawyer for traffic law, I offer you the necessary expertise, experience and assertiveness to represent your interests in the best possible way and protect your rights. Put your trust in my expertise and let’s fight for your rights together.

Contact me today for an initial consultation. I’m here to help and advise you.

Do you want to solve your travel law or traffic law problem? I'm your trusted lawyer for travel law & traffic law
in Frankfurt!

Lawyer Travel Law Frankfurt

Strong, transparent and
competently at your side.

Professional competence, experience, communication skills and, in particular, negotiating skills are essential qualities that a lawyer in travel law must have. These qualities are part of my personality.

I will be happy to advise you in Frankfurt, by telephone or by video conference.


Office hours






9.00 am – 6.00 pm

9.00 am – 6.00 pm

9.00 am – 6.00 pm

9.00 am – 6.00 pm

9.00 am – 2.30pm

Appointments outside of office hours can be arranged.